- Flours
- Cereals
- Oilseeds
- Seed
- Feed
- Fertilizer
- Plant Protection
There has been a mill at the site of the Plattner family since the 16th century. But it was not until 1885 when the great-grandparents of the current owner, Gerhard Plattner, bought the watermill in Schildberg near Böheimkirchen. After this purchase the operation has continually been expanded, modernized and improved.
Initially the agricultural holding consisted only of a mill, which was operated by a water wheel. By continuous optimization of farming with improved seeds and more efficient agricultural machinery, the grain yield increased. Due to these factors and a rapid rise in customers, new storehouses and silos were built.
1963: Construction of the first "large" grain silo with a capacity of 400 tons.
1970: Entry into a new line of business - the agricultural trade.
1977: Conversion of the old rearward-shaking grain mill to a fully automatic and pneumatic one.
1981: Construction of the first (of three) 5,000 ton silos.
1987: Take-over of the company by Gerhard Plattner. From that time on the plant has been steadily modernized and expanded (manure pit, grain storehouses, silos, cleaning and drying machines, etc.).
2000: The growing consumer awareness regarding organics was recognized. In order to handle such products our storehouse was rebuilt and certified.
2011: As a result with a growing number of customers and the raised administration effort in the agricultural sector, it was necessary to build a new office.
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