• Flours   
  • Cereals    
  • Oilseeds    
  • Seed    
  • Feed   
  • Fertilizer  
  • Plant Protection

Health care for your plant

We take a personal interest in plant protection, because only a healthy and well cared plant is able to achieve the best yields and qualities. We offer pesticides from all major pesticide manufacturers not only for agriculture but also for garden usage, such as:
Kwizda, Hechenbichler, Syngenta, Stähler, BASF, Bayer, Feinchemie, Nufarm, Belchim,…

We have a large pesticide storeroom and thus we always have sufficient quantities of the appropriate and most common agents in stock, even off-season. We guarantee them at the lowest price. We therefore save you from lengthy ordering and waiting times for the agent to be delivered.

It goes without saying that we also offer our customers free house delivery service.

With our competence in technical advice we provide you always with the appropriate pesticide to ensure efficient operations. We are happy to cater to your specific needs and would like to find the best agents and blends to deal with your problems on the field most accurately.

Just inform yourself by contacting our company. We would like to send you a TOP offer for the appropriate pesticide guaranteeing the best price.

Safety data sheets:

Kwizda Syngenta
Bayer Adama
Belchim Nufarm

Plant Protection

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